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Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
This module will help you achieve optimal images when performing examinations of the paranasal sinuses, zygomatic arches, mandible, and temporomandibular joints. Patient preparation and positioning are discussed, as well as technical settings and patient instructions. Descriptions and images of the expected anatomical structures are included, as well as image evaluation criteria.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME
Ultrasound scanning of the musculoskeletal anatomy is growing in demand in both radiology clinics and private offices due the popularity of sports and fitness, and bolstered by improvements in ultrasonic spatial resolution in recent years. This course is designed to teach the experienced sonographer the basics of getting started in MSK ultrasound scanning, focusing on the most common anatomy.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
This module will help you achieve optimal images when performing elbow, humerus, shoulder, and scapula examinations. Patient preparation and positioning are discussed, as well as technical settings and patient instructions. Descriptions and images of the expected anatomical structures are included, as well as image evaluation criteria.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME
Ultrasound is rapidly becoming more common in the evaluation of musculoskeletal injuries and pain. This presentation provides a basic overview of the capabilities and advantages of using ultrasound in the examination of joints, muscles, tendons, ligaments, and peripheral nerves.
Topics covered include:
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
This module will help you achieve optimal images when performing tibia and fibula, knee, patella, and femur examinations. Patient preparation and positioning are discussed, as well as technical settings and patient instructions. Descriptions and images of the expected anatomical structures are included, as well as image evaluation criteria.