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Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
The emphasis is on safety in this interactive learning module that reviews safety principles, demonstrates proper screening of patients and explains how to handle emergency situations. This online course describes how to quench a magnet and show you how to monitor patients during procedures.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Models (APMs) were created as a part of the transition to value-based healthcare to provide high-quality and cost efficient care. This course will review the MIPS and the different types of APMs and their requirements. This course will also review the role of MIPS and APMs in the federal government’s goal to transform healthcare from volume-based to value-based care.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Course Length: 30 Mins
Credits: 0.25
Credit Type: CE
Tom Szostak, Director of Healthcare Economics at Canon Medical Systems USA, provides a basic understanding of Healthcare Economics using real-world examples. This course will explain why an understanding of health policy is crucial to individuals, businesses, and hospitals for financial success.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1.5
Credit Type: CE
This course will outline the imaging technique to obtain real-time moving images of the internal structures of a patient through the use of a fluoroscope. Modern fluoroscopes couple the screen to an x-ray image intensifier and CCD video camera allowing the images to be recorded and played on a monitor. The modules in this training are:
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $16.50
Credits: 1.5
Credit Type: CE
Focus on tissue characteristics, repetition time, echo time, inversion time and flip angle, along with other parameters that affect image quality in this interactive online learning module. This module also helps you understand concepts of image formation and image contrast appearance according to image weighting. Approved for 1.5 Category A CE credit by the ASRT.