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Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

MR ACR Phantom Troubleshooting

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $40.00
Course Length: 75 mins
Credits: 2
Credit Type: CE

The American College of Radiology (ACR) Accreditation is recognized as the gold standard in medical imaging. By displaying the gold seals of ACR Accreditation, you demonstrate to your patients, payers and referring physicians that you are committed to providing the safest and best quality care possible. In preparing to image the ACR phantom, the ACR has given 8 tests to evaluate a system’s performance. This training covers some of the more common troubleshooting scenarios a site may encounter when submitting their data. The objective of this troubleshooting presentation is to discuss what is the purpose of the ACR. Talk about the phantom that will be used for acquiring the data. Review which coil is to be used when scanning the ACR Phantom. How to setup the phantom in the coil and cover what actions to take to ensure the coil and phantom are both set up properly. What to avoid. Lastly post scanning measurements and how to discern if the system will fail a section and pointers to determine if it’s a user, system, or an environmental problem.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

MR Basics Module 3: Radiofrequency and Gradients

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE

Gradient and radiofrequency components are the foundation of the magnetic resonance imaging process. Take this interactive online learning module to learn about excited electrons, explore the functionality of the radiofrequency system and discover the role of coils when applying gradients. Approved for 1 Category A CE credit by the ASRT.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

MR Basics Module 2: Equipment and Instrumentation

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE

Can you define gauss and tesla? Learn these important units of measurement as well as the functionality of the shim system in this interactive module. Colorful animations and illustrations clearly demonstrate the major components and functionality of MR equipment, the properties of magnetism and the three basic types of magnets. Approved for 1 Category A CE credit by the ASRT.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

MR Basics Module 1: Fundamentals

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE

Discover the history, evolution and advantages of magnetic resonance imaging in this interactive online learning module. Learn about the early pioneers in MR, find out how an image is acquired using MR and envision its future as you hear about how scientists and manufacturers continue to improve the technology. Approved for 1 Category A CE credit by the ASRT.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Liver Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (CEUS)

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credit Type: None

Liver contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) training for UL CSS team to cover basic tools and information needed for a successful i-series/a-series customer installation.