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Canon Medical Learning Center

Classroom Training

JHU Cardiac CT Level II Certification Course

Course Type: Classroom Training
Cost: $6,595.00
Course Length: 32 Hrs
Credits: 41
Credit Type: ACCME

This Cardiac CT program offers 20 hours of didactic lectures on patient selection, preparation, imaging principles and techniques, contrast material, cardiac anatomy, assessment of cardiac function and pathology. Training activities include observation of the acquisition of 50 patient examinations and hands on 3D post processing sessions. A review of over 150 Coronary CTA cases to demonstrate the variety of pathology which can be evaluated by CT. A minimum of 100 cases will be reviewed during the 5 days of the course. Participants will be evaluated by means of practical tests demonstrating proficiency with the use of the workstation. A home study program follows the onsite training. Interpretation of 50 case studies and other elements of the course are submitted for course completion while monitored by the education department. This course meets Level II certification guidelines for the ACC and ACR. $6,595.00 tuition only. To register or receive additional information contact Susan Orr at 410-550-0849 or

Scheduled Class Dates:
2025 dates: Mar 3-7, Apr 14-18, Jun 2-6