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Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $16.50
Course Length: 1 Hr 30 Mins
Credits: 1.5
Credit Type: CE
This module describes the concept of at-will employment, reviews laws that define collective bargaining and discusses the Fair Labor Standards Act. You will learn how to differentiate between exempt and nonexempt employees, understand federal legislation that affects rights in the workplace, define workplace harassment and apply criteria for the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Approved for 1.5 Category A+ CE credit by the ASRT.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
This module identifies and explains the components of a communication model as well as formal, informal and nonverbal communication. Learn how to improve communication, apply guidelines for managing teams and use mediation to address conflict. This module will show you how to develop key strategies for success at work. Approved for 1 Category A CE credit by the ASRT.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $11.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE
This module will help you adjust to a new role as supervisor and apply supervisory skills to any new leadership position. Learn to plan, organize and lead as you manage effective meetings, apply decision-making tools and identify opportunities when resolving problems. The module also covers effective delegation of work and how to meet customer expectations. Approved for 1 Category A CE credit by the ASRT.