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Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Course Length: 25 Mins
Credit Type: None
Two short videos on how to “Use the MPR Post Processing Function” to reconstruct in multiple planes on the Vantage Titan, Galan, Orian, and Elan systems using MPower V4.0+ software, AND on how to “Use the MIP Post Processing Function” on the Vantage Titan, Galan, Orian, and Elan systems using MPower V3.5+ software.
Classroom Training
Course Type: Classroom Training
Cost: $3,500.00
Course Length: 2 Days
Credit Type: None
This 2 day course is for the general sonographer. It includes both a didactic and live scanning approach to prepare the sonographer to be a core user. It is also intended as an offering of tips and tricks and to be a deep dive into the systems technology.
Classroom Training
Course Type: Classroom Training
Cost: $4,000.00
Course Length: 20 Hrs
Credit Type: None
This class is designed to explore advanced image optimization, theory and technique relevant to the needs of the participants scanning environment. The class will be based on lecture and discussion with scanning exercises that complement the covered topics. Participants will be able to practice routine exams on the Aplio 500 and apply image optimization techniques.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credit Type: None
Liver contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) training for UL CSS team to cover basic tools and information needed for a successful i-series/a-series customer installation.
Online Course
Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $0.00
Credit Type: None
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