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Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

A Sonographer’s Introduction to MSK Upper Extremities

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME

Musculoskeletal (MSK) Ultrasound has witnessed a swift evolution across radiology, rheumatology, and physical therapy in both hospital and private practice settings. This webinar aims to equip seasoned, and aspiring sonographers, with the foundational skills required to venture into the realm of MSK ultrasound, with a concentrated spotlight on the most commonly evaluated anatomy of the upper extremity.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Vitrea CT Cardiac CBT

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE

In this webinar, we’ll be covering three different applications to get a complete Cardiac Workflow. We will demonstrate how to select the appropriate vessels for the exam, the criteria to score the vessels into one of the three guideline reporting data graphs, and the process to generate critical reports. We will also select vessels and the branches, calculate stenosis, get a complete cardiac analysis to plaque scores, generate a report, and demonstrate how to send that report to PACS.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Advancing Health Equity

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE

The need for Health Equity is one of the most important topics in the healthcare industry today. Although inequities and disparities in healthcare have been present for generations in the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed the scope and depth of the problem in a way that could no longer be ignored. This webinar will define and discuss health equity and health disparities, explain why health equity is important, identify barriers to health equity, review government programs and policies that support health equity, and discuss best practices to promote health equity.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Evolution of Image Processing, Past, Present, and Beyond

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $25.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1.25
Credit Type: CE

In this course we will be discussing: the history of image processing, film screen processing, the evolution to digital processing (which includes both computed and digital), how to assess images and image quality, processing the pros and cons between each generation, and the future technologies being developed.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Imaging Techniques in Interventional Radiology

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 30 Mins
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CE

In this course, we will discuss select imaging techniques on Canon Medical’s Alphenix vascular system and their clinical applications during interventional radiologic procedures. These angiographic imaging strategies can contribute to advanced system utilization and treatment by clinicians and technologists alike.