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Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

A Sonographer’s Guide to UL Guided MSK Procedures

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credit Type: CME

This in-depth program will provide an overview of the role the sonographer plays in the guided-injection process. It will include discussions of the common injections and injection sites, setting up the procedure room, equipment involved, drawing up medications, preparing the patient, and many more facets of the process.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

The Practice of Optimizing Ergonomics

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME

This course will bring awareness to a new practice of scan postures for optimizing the scan health of the sonographer. At the end of the course the participant should be able to: Describe system centered vs patient centered scanning and how it optimizes healthy ergonomics, Identify optimal and suboptimal postures from a set different exam types being performed, Perform stretches to optimize scanning experience.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Optimization of Breast Sonography

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME

Sonography of the breast is extremely technique and operator-dependent. We will discuss proper equipment, system optimization, and proper scanning techniques. This session will also provide in-depth information on which women can benefit most from breast ultrasound, as an adjunct to mammography; illustrate the complementary roles of mammography and ultrasound; and discuss the latest developments in breast ultrasound technology and their applications.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

Introduction to Elastography

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME

The goal of this course is to give the sonographer a clear understanding of some different elastography techniques (including Strain, Shear Wave, and newer tools, e.g., for fatty Liver Analysis) and how they can be used in a variety of clinical scenarios.

Canon Medical Learning Center

Online Course

MSK of the Foot and Ankle

Course Type: Online Course
Cost: $20.00
Course Length: 1 Hr
Credits: 1
Credit Type: CME

Foot and ankle ultrasound is a challenging exam for many, due to the complex anatomy and wide range of injury types. This presentation will combine didactic anatomy slides with what that anatomy looks like on ultrasound, together with clear technique and transducer positioning.

In this course you will learn:

  • Basic anatomy and appearances of the foot and ankle
  • Exam technique, transducer placement, and orientation
  • How to position a patient and sonographic optimization of MSK structures